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SCL-90还包括三个全局指标,即总体症状指标(Global Severity Index)、阳性症状指标(Positive Symptom Distress Index)和阳性症状总数(Positive Symptom Total),用于评估整体症状负担。

The Symptom Checklist-90 (SCL-90) is a self-report questionnaire designed to assess a broad range of psychological symptoms and distress. It was developed by Leonard R. Derogatis in 1975 and has been widely used in clinical and research settings.


The SCL-90 consists of 90 items that measure symptoms across nine primary dimensions or factors. These factors include:

1. Somatization: Measures the individual's experience of bodily discomfort or physical symptoms.

2. Obsessive-Compulsive: Assesses the presence of obsessive and compulsive behaviors and thoughts.

3. Interpersonal Sensitivity: Measures sensitivity to interpersonal interactions and evaluations from others.

4. Depression: Assesses symptoms of low mood, negativity, and feelings of sadness or hopelessness.

5. Anxiety: Measures the presence and severity of anxiety and nervousness.

6. Hostility: Assesses the tendency towards hostility, suspicion, and resentment towards others.

7. Phobic Anxiety: Measures the level of discomfort or fear specific to certain objects or situations.

8. Paranoid Ideation: Assesses the presence of paranoid thoughts, such as feeling persecuted or deceived.

9. Psychoticism: Measures the presence of psychotic-like symptoms, including hallucinations and bizarre thoughts.

In addition to these nine primary dimensions, the SCL-90 also includes three global indices: the Global Severity Index (GSI), the Positive Symptom Distress Index (PSDI), and the Positive Symptom Total (PST). These indices provide a summary of overall symptom severity and distress.

The SCL-90 is widely used in clinical settings to assess psychological symptoms and distress across multiple domains. It provides valuable information for clinicians to understand an individual's symptom profile and develop appropriate treatment plans.

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